March 11, 2025

Ogun On The Nature of Time

Embark on a profound journey into the very fabric of existence with #Ogun on our latest episode of #AncestralVoices.  Listen as Ogun, the powerful African Orisha of iron, war, and creation, reveals the intricate secrets of time. Forget the notion of a simple linear progression; Ogun unveils time as a multi-dimensional tapestry woven from destiny’s threads. Discover how time ebbs and flows like the Niger River, a cyclical force of perpetual renewal.

Delve into the Orisha perspective, where time is not a straight line from past to present to future, but a spiral path that unwinds and rewinds, offering its wisdom to those who truly listen. Understand how the past informs the present, and the present shapes the future in an intricate dance of cause and effect. As the God of iron, Ogun shares his witness to the forging of destiny, where each moment strikes a crucial blow that molds the course of life. Learn how every decision, action, and intention send ripples through the fabric of time, influencing your unique journey.

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